Tuesday, July 23, 2013

College Comp 2: First Day Essay

College Comp II
First Day Essay

Yes, my scribes, you read that right!  There is a 4-6 page essay (minimum of one source ) due on the first day of College Comp 2.  This will count as a theme, and, thus, will be a significant part of your grade.  One goal of this class is to give you as authentic of a college experience as I can.  I have several students who have to not only write essays for their universities over the summer but also read books.  So I’m just preparing you for the rigors of college.

Here is your topic -

First, watch this TED Talk by Simon Sinek.

Then, write a 4-6 page explanation of your “why” (or your cause or your belief or your mission).  Explain not only what it means to you, but also explain how it drives you and will guide you in your future. You may also mention how it impacts your “how” and “what” too.  Remember to have one in-text citation (as well as a correct works cited) in the essay.  You may cite Sinek’s TED Talk. 

Here is my “Golden Circle” --

Please have this essay ready to submit by the start of the first day of class.  Thanks!  See you soon.  Can't wait!