Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday's assignment

Watch the videos below and leave one comment per video.  Now, in order to receive full credit here (and this will go down in the discussion category), please leave a college level response.  Don't say what you liked about the video in three sentences.  Instead, give us some legit college level thinking and analysis: find a new insight into the piece, connect it to something you read in Steal Like an Artist or to another work you've read, or connect it to a current pop culture example.

Then respond in the same manner to a classmate's response to each video.

I'll get the ball rolling . . .

Everything is a Remix Part 1 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Remarkable Assignment (due by end of quarter #2)

Here is your remarkable assignment.  This does not need to be performed or presented in front of the class.

    A.  See the suggestions below.

Remarkable assignment --

This does not need to be a big production.  It simply needs to be an example of something you have done or create that is remarkable.

Possibilities (remember, in addition to the remarkable thing itself, you need to present a one page explanation of why it is remarkable.  Simple)

1.  Show me your acceptance letter to the university you plan to attend.

2.  Submit a video of a recital or performance or creation.

   * maybe this is a science experiment or FFA presentation.
   * maybe you hold your breath and solve a Rubics cube (as Dyrud did)
   * maybe you show us a project you have been tinkering or playing around with
   * maybe you helped your dad build a patio and your mother took pictures.  Put that together using
     iMove to show it all coming together.

3.  Submit a prezi or keynote.  See the example below.

4. Submit an essay.  See the one below

5.  Submit a blog, Youtube video, or other multi-media project.  See the example below:

6.  Submit a service project you have done or plan to do.  Maybe you work with the Special Olympics or have a plan to save the world (think Pay it Forward).

7.  Submit a creative project or creation - maybe it's a Lego version of the climax of "Young Goodman Brown" or an original painting or sculpture or an original song or a photograph.

You can go here and see better quality pictures.

8.  Submit a remarkable original creative project - think Glossi,, Pinterest, thinglink, or you are your words.  My example is below.  I uploaded one of my remarkable creations (my daughter Kenzie Scout) and then I embedded over her image (using my wedding vows (which I wrote myself).

Here is a bag I designed through the website, Tumbuk2.

Please don't be limited to these suggestions.  They are just intended to spark your imagination and widen the realm of possibility.

For more examples, go here.  For more creative examples, go here.

The final remarkable assignment must be submitted to me by the final day of the semester.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Who do you find remarkable?

Here is your FIRST wallwisher assignment for Linchpin.  We will discuss these in class on Wednesday.