Friday, February 10, 2012

Well, this is one way to discipline a child

. . . though I don't know if he is the best example either.



  1. Okay, so I've watched this video twice and there seems to be more going on in that household. That daughter has a lot of pent up anger for a reason and I'm not sure shooting her laptop will make anything better. What is to stop her from taking his 45 and truly rebelling? Most kids today do need a kick in the butt, but I'm not in that house, so I can't say if she does or not. I feel sorry for her though.

  2. Where do I start. That doesn't sound like a nurturing environment. Based upon my experiences with my friends parents this guy seems extreme. I am what most colleges consider a full time student. I attend the high school as well, operate two blogs, maintain a steady relationship, while balancing my family. Sure I have chores, but I don't have parents who have a failed sense of Skinner's operant conditioning.

    If you consider what a full time college student has to go through, think back to what kind of like you had while in college.

    For a child to speak out against her parents there has to be something more to this than is described. In reading her post he makes himself sound like more of a jerk than anything.

  3. The comments on Youtube are almost more interesting than the video itself. The comments are split right down the middle with one portion (young people it seems) are aghast at his behavior. The other portion (parents and older folks) tend to support him.

    Of course, I believe the vast majority of our society aren't nearly as divisive as those who leave comments anywhere on the web. I can see both sides of the issue.

    What young person hasn't gone off on a rant against anyone older than them who happens to be a position of authority? I think those are some hard lessons young people have to learn (one of my favorite examples comes from a colleague whose daughters were home visiting. She and her husband were playing a game with their daughters when the daughters broke into a heated debate which turned into an argument. Insults were hurled and the mother cautioned the girls that they were saying things that would hurt and leave scars for a very long time. Finally, the father had enough and dismissed the girls and the game was over. That evening the girls left and the dad was angry. He said he was going to write them letters about how disappointed he was and so on. He spent an entire day trying to write the letter. He even asked his wife to read them. She wanted no part of it though and refused. Finally he sent them out to his daughters. Each daughter was too scared to read it. Then one broke down. She read it and immediately called her sister and asked, "Did you read Dad's letter?" To which her sister replied, "No! I've been dreading it." The other sister said, "Just read it."

    The letter was blank, except at the bottom where it read simply "Love, Dad.").

    I have a feeling some love and compassion and empathy could go a long way to soothing the tensions in the household. This includes both the snotty daughter and the irate Dad.

    I'm reminded of a MLK Jr. quote: "W've fought fire with fire, never thinking that fire is better quenched with water."
