Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Dip - Assignment 1.0


For our next book, we will read Seth Godin's short book entitled The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick).

Here is the man talking about the dip.  If you haven't had the great opportunity to listen to him, enjoy.

It's a trip.


 Please leave two observations below reacting to this short clip.


Choose one of these prompts to write a short (no need for more than 2 pages) expository essay on (due Thursday).

* Write about something you failed at.
* Write about something you quit.
* Write about something you stuck with, but now you really wish you'd have quit.
* Why do you think quitting gets such a bad rap in our society?
* What are the benefits of quitting?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hyper Text Blog

Here is the link to Google Docs where you can see the assignment sheet for the Sticky Note Hypertext book review, which will be due NEXT WEDNESDAY.

Look at the "Hyper-Text Book Report Blogs" page at the top column of this blog for past examples.